MySLC Help

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What is MySLC Help?

MySLC Help is a Knowledge Base, which is full of articles and FAQs.

If you experience a problem when using MySLC, have a question, or want to share a suggestion, you can send a message to the Web Services Team through MySLC Help by clicking "Submit a request" next to your name at the top of this screen. You must be signed in to submit a request and to see the full list of articles. To sign in:

  1. Click "Sign in" at the top of this page.
  2. You will be directed to MySLC where you can log in with your usual MySLC user ID and password.
  3. You will be automatically returned to this page after logging in.

We hope that MySLC Help is a valuable resource for all members of campus to find answers to their questions and find out about new ways they can make use of MySLC. MySLC Help also streamlines our support, allowing us to respond more quickly to user concerns and gauge what's most important to our community.

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